
About Me

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I love art, any form of art (except collagraphs). I play tennis and like drama.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New bottom

My brother just asked me if he could have a new bottom...his old one has a crack in it!

Grooveshark Widgets - Music Playlists for Your MySpace & Blog

Grooveshark Widgets - Music Playlists for Your MySpace & Blog

Friday, July 9, 2010

Freaky bridge Ilusion

Freaky bridge Ilusion
So awesome from frankie mag!
Claudia the cat and I before Quill arrived when Claudie was much happier.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

3 Sketches I did:


OMG I forgot to say in my last post that on Friday I got my report from school and out of 11 marks/subjects I got 10 A's and 1 B!


Today it is, as I said, supposed to rain. It is overcast and maybe we get the occaisional sprinkle. I am not looking foward to tonight because we have been issued a severe weather warning and my ceiling leaks above my bed. Last night I couldn't get to sleep and I ended up hearing my flip clock go 11:00pm. I rearanged my room last night too. Only a minor rotation of three supposedly insignificant pieces of furniture can make a huge difference when the low-furniture-next-to-the-bed-makes-the-room-look-bigger rule is applied along with freeing up space in the walking passage by using shelving rather than a trunk on the floor. I am not sure if that made sense to anyone other than me but oh well, leave a comment if it did. Hehe...!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Me on my antique trunk hehe.

School Holidays!

I'm so excited I get a break from school and this holidays will be even better now I have a brand new tennis racket! It's so awesome for serving and backhands but otherwise I'll have to get used to the forehands and volleys. My parents are working almost non-stop throughout this first week to get this order done. Lewis, Kira and I are home on our own, my mum's been at the workshop all night and my dad's gone to swap shifts with her. It's a much nicer day today, not as cold although we have the heater on. It's supposed to rain today.
Oh and I really, really like Prague hot chocolate!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Young Writers Program 2010

Wow! Today, myself and four of my other classmates went to the old prison for our once-a-term session with a famous author! This term we saw Raewyn Caisley, she's from New Zealand and she's really nice. I learnt heaps but the highlight of the day for me was having Gary Crew, Emily Rodda, Jackie French, Andy Griffiths, Terry Denton, Paul Jennings and JK Rowling, plus more I can't remember (10 in total), on the telephone giving the whole class emotions to write about! JK Rowling! It was so awesome! Geez, it was cool!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Today we had those people over. They were really nice! This boy, his name was Sham (not sure if I spelt it right but it's pronounced Sharm), was so excited about the bat, gloves, thigh pad, wheelie bag, cap and shirt he got. His parents were really nice too, especially his dad. They say they want to see us again sometime. I'd like that. Just got off the phone to Leila, seeing her tomoz to do some cooking. School on Monday, second last week of term. On the last week I get my semester one report which I'm really excited about!!!


I am feeling heaps better today. Although my throat is still all gooey and I'm hungry. Today my grandmother's friend's daughter's son is coming to the workshop to choose a cricket bat for himself. My dad doesn't want to do it (which is fair enough) so the whole family has to go and give him some "moral support". I don't really want to go either but I guess if I don't, that would make me look pretty stupid. Tomorrow I'm catching up with Leila, my bestie, while my mum, Lewis and Kira go out with Bryce (Aunty Na's hubby) to Jarrahdale. Aunty Na isn't actually my aunty. She's actually called Donna, Donna. I have a real aunty called Donna but we see Aunty Na more than her. Na is my mums best friend. They met at an art course at Freo Art Centre. I am going to suggest berry yoghurt and pancakes for brekkie, because it's already ten o'clock and I haven't eaten yet!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Aunty Na's cake

I like Aunty Na's banana cake with chocolate sauce.

Graphite is hard to sharpen well with a cutting blade

I feel like drawing but I can't seem to be able to produce anything. I can't find the pencil sharpener so I have to sharpen the graphite pencil with a cutting blade. The pad I'm drawing on has quite thin paper so I can see through to the other side. That's a good thing because it means if I begin at the back of the pad, I can trace over any mistakes! I feel like jumping up and dancing but my head hurts too much. Oh well. I hope the netball's going well.

So annoyed

So annoyed! I have to stay home and miss out on the netball! I feel rubbish, but I still really wanted to go. Bored as. Mum's gone shopping with a friend, Dad's working, Lewis (my brother) is pretending to give himself an injection with fruit juice and a syringe, Kira (little sister) has an interveiw at midday so the only comfort I have is the woollen blanket keeping me warm. Today sucks. But then, I do have the weekend to look foward to. I hate being sick. I always miss out on the good stuff.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Berry Yoghurt

Feeling a little better now. Hoping I'm recovered for our school netball carnival tomoz. I will be upset if I miss it. I like berry yoghurt, it's nice...


Home sick from school. Before I left (I was there for a bit), I had to have two jabs. My throat is killing me and my headache isn't getting better. I sound pretty stupid and sorry for myself. Oh well, at least I've got the kitten to keep me company. I can't play tennis this arvo' either, although I'm not sure if my arms would be up to it anyway.